
About Living in the Carolinas

Our Story

Living In The Carolinas was born out of a love for Charlotte, North Carolina, and a desire to help others discover the charm of this vibrant city. We understand that moving to a new city or even just trying to stay up-to-date with your own can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to be your trusted guide, providing you with the insights and connections you need to truly experience life in the Carolinas.

Our Offerings


Our newsletter is a treasure trove of the latest happenings, emerging trends, and inspiring stories from across the Carolinas. Delivered straight to your inbox, it’s designed to keep you informed and engaged with the local community. Whether you’re a new resident or a long-time local, our newsletter is your window into the heart of the Carolinas.

Business Directory

We believe in the power of local businesses and their role in shaping the unique character of our community. Our comprehensive business directory is a testament to this belief. It’s a one-stop resource for discovering local businesses, from quaint boutiques and gourmet restaurants to professional services and more. Supporting local has never been easier!


Our blog is where we delve deeper into the many facets of living in the Carolinas. From detailed guides and tips to thought-provoking articles and local success stories, our blog is a space for exploration and inspiration. It’s where we share our love for the Carolinas and help you make the most of your Carolina living experience.

Join Us

Living In The Carolinas is more than just a platform; it’s a community of individuals who share a love for this region. We invite you to join us, engage with us, and contribute to our growing community. Together, we can make the most of living in the Carolinas.

Interested in being listed on this site?

Click the button to get started in listing your business amongst other Carolina based businesses.